Well, it's November 29, and the ground is..... brown. Uggh.
So, here's wishing we get some white stuff sometime before too much longer. (As long as I don't have to drive in it).
There's a good idea--snow that falls only where you want it to. :D
Thanks for being patient with the lack of posts this week or so. I've been helping a dear friend who is 9 months pregnant (well not anymore since she had the baby today!)
She's done the baby thing before, but not with a broken kneecap (hence the reason she's needed extra help). Hopefully she'll be out of the brace in a couple of weeks (she was in a cast until a week ago). It's going to be a long road to recovery, but we're all trying to be as supportive as we can.
So, thanks again for understanding why there was a sudden drop in posts. I'll try to be a bit more frequent, but it might be hard until my friend is on her feet again.