So a couple of years ago I was asked to participate in our school's Holiday Craft Fair. I had to come up with items that I could sell to both adults and kids. (Kids accompanied their parents and bought items for their friends and siblings). I love peppermint and the holidays. The only other taste I love as much is my mom's non-alcoholic wassail. (And it smells good too).
At the time I had a very little one at home, and so did a few of my friends. I came up with this cute easy project to do for the fair. The most complicated part was spray painting the white lids, and making sure the peppermint swirls didn't fly away when I picked the vinyl.
Last post I talked about traditions--I have to tell you about another one of my favorite traditions which ties into this post--Each year when we put up the Christmas tree, we drink peppermint punch. My husband generally does not like peppermint, but this is the one time of year he looks forward to having it. We've been doing this since before I can remember, and I've carried it on with my family.
I'm going to share this long-time family recipe with you. Perhaps you'll enjoy it as much as we do.
Peppermint punch:
1 part vanilla ice cream
2 parts peppermint ice cream
Milk and Ginger Ale
The let ice cream soften a little, then mix together in a large bowl. Slowly add in milk and ginger ale until the concoction is soupy and frothy. Yum! (And seriously easy).
Do you have any family traditions you want to share?